Get involved with our community!
Every other Wednesday at 6pm @ The Grange.
TheoPub is not a bible study or church! TheoPub is a chance to enjoy a beverage and/or food and just talk! Each time we meet 5 various questions are asked dealing with current day topics followed by great discussion!
A book program to make sure children in our community have access to books.
Every other Sunday night at Pastor Court’s House! Share a meal and we build community.
Several studies offered throughout the year where we can learn together. Convenient times and child care are provided.
Help cook and serve for Old Threasher’s Reunion.
Yearly collection of goods to support our surrounding communities.
Luncheon on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Immediately after service.
Join us @ noon on Monday mornings as we pray over prayer requests.
Our ministries encompass a wide range of activities and services aimed at meeting the diverse needs of church members and our surrounding community.